How to Change Date Format in Elementor PRO Forms – Wordathemes

Forms are a crucial part of many websites, and with Elementor, a page builder renowned for its ease of use and flexibility, creating stylish forms becomes a breeze. However, Elementor PRO, despite its robust features, adheres to the default YYYY/MM/DD date format in its date fields. This format might not align with the preferences of all users or regions. But don’t worry, tweaking the date format in Elementor PRO forms is straightforward with a bit of custom JavaScript.

Key Takeaways

  • The Elementor Pro Post Info Widget simplifies date format customization directly within the editor.
  • For more intricate needs, custom code snippets open a world of possibilities, allowing you to tailor WordPress date formats to your exact requirements.
  • Implementing the right date format not only enhances the visual design of your website but also significantly improves the user experience.

Customizing your WordPress date format is more than just a technical tweak; it’s a way to infuse your site with unique branding style and aesthetic appeal. Utilizing Elementor Pro’s capabilities, you can effortlessly adjust the default format to resonate with your site’s look and feel.

Have you experimented with date formats on your WordPress site? Share your experiences and creative date styles in the comments!

The Default Date Format in Elementor PRO

In Elementor PRO, the date picker field defaults to the YYYY/MM/DD format. For instance, January 5, 2023, would display as 2023/01/05. This standard might be suitable for some, but others may prefer formats like MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, especially if your site caters to users from specific regions.

So, how do you adapt this to your needs? Stay tuned as we delve into easy solutions to customize your date formats, enhancing your site’s functionality and user engagement. Remember, tailoring these small details can have a big impact on your website’s usability and appeal. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about WordPress customization at WordaThemes and explore other tips like how to change form labels in WooCommerce for an optimized user experience.

Method 1: Customize Date Format in Elementor Pro Post Info Widget

The Elementor Pro Post Info Widget provides an easy way to customize your date format right within the editor:

Step 1: Access the Post Info Widget within the Elementor editor by navigating to any page or post you want to modify.

Step 2: From the Content Type dropdown menu, select “Date”. You’ll then see options to choose from Elementor Pro’s preset date formats or create a custom format using the available formatting characters.

For example, to achieve a format like “January 27, 2024”, you would input the custom format: F j, Y. The formatting characters allow you to be very precise in crafting your desired date style.

Method 2: Customize Date Format using Custom Code

For advanced customization, Elementor Pro lets you use custom code to modify the date format. This allows for endless possibilities beyond the preset formats.

To do this, create a code snippet like:

echo date('l, F jS, Y'); 

Which would output a date format like “Saturday, January 27th, 2024”. Be sure to test your custom code thoroughly before implementation.

The WordPress Codex provides details on all the available date formatting characters to help craft your perfect format.

Use Custom JavaScript to Override the Default

Fortunately, it’s possible to override the default date format by adding a small bit of custom JavaScript code. This lets you display dates in Elementor PRO forms however you like.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it happen:

1. Access the Custom Code Section

First, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Elementor > Settings > Custom Code. This is where you’ll add the custom JavaScript.

2. Create a New Custom Code Entry

Under the “Custom Code” tab, click the “Add Custom Code” button to create a new code snippet. Give it a title like “Form Date Format”.

3. Paste the Date Format JavaScript

Next, paste the following code into the CSS/JS editor box:

jQuery( function($){
   $( document ).ready( function() {
      $( 'input[type="date"]' ).datepicker({
         dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy' 

This will modify the date format to MM/DD/YYYY. You can adjust the dateFormat value to your preferred format instead.

4. Set Body Start Placement

Make sure the “Placement” option is set to “Body – Start” so the code executes site-wide.

5. Save and Activate the Code

Finally, click “Save” and activate the custom code entry. Now it will apply to all pages that use Elementor.

6. jQuery snippet for changing Elementor Form date format

To change the date format using jQuery, just navigate to WP Admin > Elementor > Custom code. Here create a new Custom code entry, set it to body start, and paste this code below.

     $('.flatpickr-input').each(function(){ flatpickr( $(this)[0] ).set('dateFormat', 'd/m/Y');}); }, 1000 );

Save changes and test the form on the front-end, after picking the date, you should see the value-added in the format of d/m/y which will look like this 25/01/22

You can also alter the d/m/y to d.m.Y. and it will display in this format, for example, 22.02.2022.

Test It Out

Go check out a form you’ve made with Elementor PRO. The date fields should now use your custom format!

Try testing it on different pages to ensure the new date format works as intended everywhere.

More Customization Options

Elementor allows all sorts of customization via code. Check out their developer docs to explore additional tweaks.

You can also find tutorials on our blog:

Custom JavaScript gives you the flexibility to tailor Elementor PRO forms to your needs. With just a few lines of code, you can display dates in any format required. Try this trick to improve the user experience!


What are some best practices for WordPress date formatting?

Some best practices include using familiar date formats for your locale, avoiding overly complex or confusing formats, and ensuring consistency across all dates displayed. Formats that organize information from broader to more specific (year, month, day) are preferable.

Where can I find more examples of custom date format code?

The WordPress Codex documentation provides many examples of custom date and time formatting code using PHP. The PHP manual also includes detailed documentation on the Date() function.

What if my custom date code doesn’t work as expected?

Carefully check your code for any syntax errors. Test your code on a staging site before implementation. Refer to the formatting references for troubleshooting. For complex formats, consider enlisting a WordPress developer’s assistance.

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