How to Change the WordPress Admin Password Using PHPMyAdmin – Wordathemes

Having a strong and unique password for your WordPress admin account is crucial for securing your website. If you’ve forgotten your password or need to reset it for any reason, PHPMyAdmin provides an easy way to change it directly in the database. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to reset your WordPress admin password using PHPMyAdmin.

Prerequisites for Using PHPMyAdmin

Before we can use PHPMyAdmin to change the password, there are a couple requirements:

  • Access to your web hosting cPanel: PHPMyAdmin is typically accessed through cPanel, so you’ll need hosting login credentials.
  • Ability to connect to the database server: PHPMyAdmin requires direct access to connect to the MySQL database server associated with your WordPress site.

If you have access to cPanel, you likely already have access to PHPMyAdmin and the database server. However, always check with your web host if you have any doubts.

Accessing PHPMyAdmin in cPanel

If your hosting includes cPanel, here’s how to access PHPMyAdmin:

  1. Log in to cPanel with your hosting credentials.
  2. Scroll down and click on the PHPMyAdmin icon. 
  3. This will open the PHPMyAdmin login screen. Enter your cPanel username and password.
  4. You will now see the PHPMyAdmin dashboard.

That’s it! You should now have access to PHPMyAdmin through cPanel.

💡 Pro Tip: If you get an “Access Forbidden” error, check with your web host to ensure PHPMyAdmin access is enabled for your account.

Locating Your WordPress Database

Once in PHPMyAdmin, you need to locate and select your WordPress database:

  1. On the left sidebar, look for a database name like wp_ or wordpress_ followed by random characters.
  2. Click on the database name to open it. 

This will take you into your WordPress database where all the data like users, posts, and settings are stored.

Editing the WordPress User Record

Now we need to find the user record for the admin account and reset the password:

  1. On the top navigation, click SQL.
  2. In the query box, enter: SELECT * FROM `wp_users` WHERE `user_login` = 'admin'; Replace admin with your actual WordPress username.
  3. Click Go to run the query. It will pull up the user record details.
  4. Click the Edit (pencil) icon for the user.
  5. Under user_pass, delete the existing encrypted password.
  6. Enter your new password plain text.
  7. Click the MD5 button to encrypt the new password.
  8. Click Go to save the changes.

The admin user password has now been updated!

Verifying the Password Change

To verify that the password was successfully changed:

  • Log out of wp-admin and try logging in with the new password.
  • If you can login successfully, the new password worked!

And that’s it! Using PHPMyAdmin provides a quick way to reset your forgotten or lost WordPress admin password.

Just be sure to follow security best practices like using a strong, unique password and limiting PHPMyAdmin access. For more tips, check out our articles on WordPress security and changing WP admin passwords.

Secure Your WordPress Website: Change WP Admin Password Using phpMyAdmin

A strong and unique admin password is crucial for securing your WordPress website. Weak or compromised admin credentials can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and loss of control over your site. While WordPress offers a password reset tool, you can also change the admin password directly in the database using phpMyAdmin.

The Importance of a Strong WordPress Admin Password

The WordPress admin account has the highest level of access to your website. With the admin username and password, someone can change your site content, settings, users, and more. That’s why it’s so important to have a complex admin password that’s difficult to guess.

Some tips for creating a strong WordPress admin password:

  • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Include numbers and symbols.
  • Make it long, at least 12 characters.
  • Avoid common words or phrases.
  • Don’t reuse passwords from other accounts.

Weak admin passwords leave your site vulnerable to brute force attacks, unauthorized logins, and compromises. Invest the effort into making a strong master password for maximum WordPress security.

Changing the WordPress Admin Password with phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin provides a quick way to modify the WordPress database directly. Here’s how to use it to reset your admin password:

  1. Log in to your web host and access the phpMyAdmin control panel.
  2. In the left sidebar, select your WordPress database.
  3. Click the wp_users table to open it.
  4. Locate the user for the admin account. They will have a user_login value of “admin”.
  5. In the user_pass field, enter a new secure password.
  6. Be sure the functions dropdown is set to MD5.
  7. Click Go to update and encrypt the new password.

Before making any database changes, it’s a good idea to backup your WordPress database in phpMyAdmin first. That way you can easily restore if something goes wrong.

Learn More About Backing Up Your WordPress Database with phpMyAdmin »

Additional Ways to Strengthen WordPress Security

Along with a strong admin password, here are some other best practices for securing your WordPress site:

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for all admin accounts. This adds an extra layer of protection beyond just a password.
  • Change passwords regularly, at least every 90 days, to stay ahead of potential compromises.
  • Keep WordPress and all plugins/themes updated to the latest versions to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Limit login attempts and lockout IP addresses with a login security plugin like iThemes Security or Wordfence.
  • Use a firewall and malware scanner to detect and block suspicious access attempts.

The more security layers you put in place, the harder it is for hackers and malware to access your site. Implementing these WordPress hardening techniques takes some effort upfront but pays off in the long run by keeping your site safe.

Take Control of Your WordPress Site’s Security

A weak or compromised WordPress admin password risks your entire site and data. Take control by resetting it to something long, complex, and unique using the phpMyAdmin tool. Combine that with other security best practices; you can feel confident knowing your WordPress site is locked up tight.

Act now to scan for vulnerabilities, update any out-of-date software, and implement extra protection. Your website, brand, and visitors count on you as a security-savvy site owner.

Let us know if you have any other questions!


Q: Is changing my WordPress password in phpMyAdmin safe?

A: Yes, phpMyAdmin provides a direct and effective way to change the admin password safely in the WordPress database. Just be sure to backup first.

Q: How often should I reset my WordPress admin password?

A: Industry best practices recommend changing the admin password at least every 90 days. You can also reset it whenever you have any security concerns.

Q: What’s the minimum length for a strong WordPress password?

A: At minimum, use a 12-character password. Longer is better to make it more complex. Include uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols too.

Q: Can I automate WordPress password changes?

A: Yes, some security plugins like iThemes Security can automatically reset the admin password periodically or after a set number of days.

Q: Is two-factor authentication required for WordPress?

A: 2FA is not required but highly recommended. It adds an extra layer of account protection beyond just a password.

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